Enjoy México DMC has developed with specialists the SAFE FOR EVERYONE ® protocol, which has the sole objective - Of offering a guide to specific actions that reduce the health risk of clients, partners, and collaborators during daily activities.
These actions become mandatory for all services and collaborators of Enjoy Mexico.
The actions are classified into three phases according to the possible risk situation, these are High, Medium, and Low, which are applicable in all locations with Enjoy México DMC providing services in México.
Our commitment is to complement the actions and/or policies that clients, public and government organizations, and partners have established to reduce health risks as much as possible because the most important thing for us is the well-being of people.
The purpose of "SAFE FOR EVERYONE ®" is to safeguard the health and safety of clients, partners, and collaborators throughout DMC Enjoy México business process, so its definition involves all phases of the business, allowing peace of mind to be achieved. of all those involved and allow an operation without limitations of quality, scope, and deliverables.
The phases covered by the actions established in "SAFE FOR EVEYONE ®" are:
Se establecen acciones específicas desde las comunicaciones iniciales con prospectos o clientes los cuales complementas las políticas establecidas por sus empresas.
El seguimiento se establece por canales de comunicación que permiten asegurar el entendimiento de las definiciones por medio , así como políticas de seguridad e higiene complementaria.
Acciones de seguimiento de calidad junto con medidas de higiene y seguridad que permiten que los participantes de las actividades se realicen sin riesgo y con la calidad adecuada.
Todos los entregables derivados de los servicios se entregarán conservando las medidas de seguridad e higiene basados en el alcance definido, apoyándose de herramientas que reduzcan cualquier riesgo.